Easy Power cooperation with Terna Energeiaki

10/02/2020 Press release:  Cooperation of Easy Power with Terna Energiaki on the conversion of 115 Combat Wing to a Net Zero Energy and Carbon Emissions Airport

TERNA ENERGY: € 3.5 million donation to the 115 Combat Wing in Souda
- Conversion of the military airport to Net Zero Energy and Net Zero Carbon Emissions Airport
- Average benefit of over € 400,000 for the Unit

TERNA ENERGY, a member of GEK TERNA Group, made a significant donation of € 3.5 million to the
country's Armed Forces.
The donation refers to the conversion of the 115th Combat Wing (CW) airport in Souda into a Zero Carbon Footprint installation (Net Zero Carbon Emissions Airport), to the 100% coverage of the airport’s needs in electricity, heating and cooling by Renewable Energy Sources, as well as to the "electrification" of the transport services within the airport.

It is worth noting that the 115 CW in Souda will be one of the first installations in the world to receive the respective certifications, while the annual benefit of fully discharging the Unit from the cost of electricity supply and heating needs will exceed €400,000.